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Teacher defends herself after student throws the first punch, prompts investigation

Student got her phone taken by the teacher. Student put hands on a substitute teacher. Teacher defended herself and taught that student a lesson that her parents should have taught her a long time ago. 10/10 for teacher, would hire again.

This incident prompted an investigation and it was picked up by the news. The Rocky Mount Telegram reported on the video incident and investigation involving the substitute teacher fighting a student over a phone. The report stated:

The video showed the student walking behind the desk and the substitute teacher turning to her right and toward the student, with her right hand up and warning the student, “Don’t touch me.”

The video showed the scene intensified as the substitute teacher could be heard again warning, “Don’t touch me” and could be seen pushing the student back.

“Girl, don’t touch me,” the substitute teacher could be seen warning her on the video.

The video showed the student swinging her right arm and hand and the substitute teacher blocking that move with one of her arms.

The video showed the student and the substitute teacher engaging in fisticuffs for a few seconds and then both subsequently down on the floor, where the fracas continued.

The video showed someone could be heard saying, “Get a teacher” and showed the substitute teacher repeatedly and loudly saying, “Get a (expletive deleted) teacher.”

The video showed the substitute teacher having pinned down the student, who began wailing, and the substitute teacher repeatedly and loudly saying, “Get a teacher.”


Hey, I'm above the related videos!