'Woman' jailed, admits stabbing and tying victim to electric-powered chair
They're really using the term woman lightly these days. This guy named Zara Jade, a transgender woman, was arrested and he admitted to stabbing his victim and tying them to an electric-powered chair and asking for money. He will spend time in a male prison, because you know, he's a guy who identifies as a woman, which means he's still technically a man. Except, he's an evil horrible man who hurts people, so being locked up is probably a good idea so he can think about his crimes and maybe turn his life around. Turn his pronouns around too. Come to think of it, he looks so much like a man that I'm wondering if he's just pretending to be a transgender woman so he can be locked up with girls for the next few years.
The video above is a debate on the issue after the man was arrested. Here's what the BBC said as they catered to the pronoun nonsense:
Zara Jade, 54, attacked her victim at a Halifax flat last year and left her tied up while she went to an ATM.Jade admitted offences of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm, robbery, fraud and false imprisonment at Bradford Crown Court.She was jailed for nine years with an extended licence period of three years.
The injuries inflicted were described as "superficial" by prosecutor Lydia Pearce, who said Jade then took cash from the victim and also demanded her PIN number.Jade used tights to tie her victim into a electrically-powered chair, set in the recline position.The bank card was used to withdraw £300, the court heard.
You know what's crazy? The injuries were seen and reported by a nurse who was concerned with what happened to the victim. Then it led to the eventual arrest of the transgender woman dude. But the story gets worse. This guy raped someone and spent five years in jail for that before!
BBC's report continued, using the WRONG pronouns:
At Monday's hearing, Deputy Circuit Judge Timothy Clayson said Jade's victim had serious health issues and was particularly vulnerable.He said the offences showed that Jade was willing to behave in a "callous and cruel" way towards a vulnerable victim, although she was apologetic the next morning.
Judge Clayson was told that back in 1988 Jade had been locked up for five years for rape and other sexual offences and in 2013 she had been jailed again for another sexual matter.
Jade will now have to serve two-thirds of a nine year jail sentence and she will then be subject to an extended licence period of three years.She was also handed a 12-year restraining order.
Jade will serve her sentence in a male prison, after new rules banning some transgender women from female prisons in England and Wales came into force last month.
Photo: West Yorkshire Police